Con il circo ho viaggiato molto. Ho iniziato in Colombia, il mio paese di origine, in Turchia poi ho conosciuto mia moglie che era ballerina mentre io facevo il gioco della morte in moto. Ora lavoro come tecnico nel settore dello spettacolo ma a noi piace molto il circo e ci piacerebbe lavorare nel settore, magari con i bambini dello SLAM Circo ludico-educativo.

Ero da poco in Italia quando hanno scattato questa foto. La Festa dei Popoli, mi ci aveva invitato una mia amica. Ci hanno scattato questa foto e l’hanno pubblicata sul giornale. Eccoci qui.

Mi viene in mente questo dépliant del Cirque du Soleil. L’ho visto in Francia. Mi fa pensare al mio lavoro, a quello che facevo all’inizio. Ogni tanto ci collaboro come tecnico.

Ho vissuto in un sacco di paesi, grazie alla moto. Ma non la usavo per spostarmi da un paese all’altro. La usavo dentro al circo. Ho iniziato col gioco della morte, in Colombia. Ero stufo di fare il fonico e ho chiesto qualcosa di nuovo: eccomi accontentato. E poi Germania, Italia, Turchia, Tunisia… 

Come il casco, anche il mouse mi accompagna da tanto tempo. Da 15 anni. Adesso per lavorare uso il computer. Quando sono tornato in Colombia a prendere mio figlio, ho preso anche questo mouse. E da allora sono sempre con me.

Si può pensare al futuro grazie al passato? Nell’album c’è tutta la mia vita: la famiglia, gli amici, i Paesi che abbiamo abitato, i biglietti degli spettacoli che abbiamo visto. E le foto di quando lavoravo al circo. Porto tutto con me.

Samira Mosca

Read more about the artist:
Interview by
Samira Mosca
Photo by
Samira Mosca
Samira Mosca, born in Bolzano in 1995, works in the field of visual communication with photography, video and graphic design. In 2017, she graduated with a bachelor's degree in Photography from the LABA Free Academy of Fine Arts in Brescia. During her Erasmus exchange semester in Lithuania, she developed a particular interest in contemporary multimedia art -- a topic that she is currently pursuing with her studies in the field of curatorship. For Samira, photography and art are a means of speaking without words, of exploring and delving into new worlds, the very thing she thrives on and that in her opinion deserves our attention. Art is a sign of our identity, our experiences and our surroundings; it is precisely for this reason that Samira is taking part in the project 'An imprint of the world in South Tyrol', a project that has allowed her to come into contact and deepen her knowledge with, also in emotional ways, people who we often only perceive as distant statistics. Samira believes that the richness of this project is precisely that of entering into the lives of people with a migratory background, and thus getting to know them better not only in their working lives but also in their daily and personal spheres.
Lives between your hands
Samira Mosca's photographic project aims to dive into different realities of success and integration through a personal approach of interaction and understanding of each individual and his or her background. As the bearer of a great wealth of experience that shapes and determines their actions, each of the interviewees was asked a series of questions to which they responded by choosing an object. Each object is linked to a memory, a thought, a story; a photograph was taken of each object to form a mosaic, an emotional compendium that describes the person's past, present and future. A spontaneous and, it could be said, a sensory narration that attempts to capture fragments of a complex human being, reaching beyond achievements or appearances. The project thus becomes a narration of a group of individuals that the reader can get to know not so much through facts, results and hard numbers, but rather through a resurfacing of situations, feelings and connection with the world and themselves.
See also: